Sunday, March 11, 2007

JPF joins March 19 Seattle march to end Iraq war


Jewish Peace Fellowship is one of 60+ organizations endorsing activities taking place in Seattle, Wash., on March 19, in conjunction with other local activities around the fourth anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq.

It is many years since the JPF banner has been seen in Seattle. This is momentous for Jewish activists here, who want to be known as Jews in pursuit of peace and justice, and all the more so with reference to the Iraq War, since so many Jewish organizations both locally and nationally have not joined in public opposition to this war.

I look forward to being more active with JPF locally, as I am sure do many others. I think it would be of interest to other members of JPF to know more about other local JPF activities.

For justice and reconciliation,
Shulamit Decktor

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The results of this war

• Over 600,000 Iraqis dead.

• More than 3,000 U.S. service people killed.

• A world unable to marshal its resources to address pressing issues such as poverty, hunger and disease, or to face up to the imminent threat of global warming.

• Over $10.4 billion has been diverted from Washington State
(this means less for education, health care, housing and social services).

• Almost one billion dollars has been diverted from Seattle.

Looking for a different future

With resources from the people of Seattle that have been expended on this war, we could have provided four years of free health coverage for every uninsured child in the state, and granted a four-year university scholarship to every student who has graduated from a Seattle high school since the war began, and paid four years of salary for 1,500 additional public school teachers, and had money left over to provide 1,500 affordable housing units to deserving families.

Redirect war funding! Let's spend these next four years preparing a better future!

From the ground up…

Help convince the Seattle City Council and King County Council to pass anti-war resolutions that recognize the devastating effects war has had on our local communities. We are asking the City and County Council in turn to pressure our representatives in Congress to end the war in Iraq and bring the troops home.

Join us —3 PM, March 19

At the Federal Courthouse, 700 Stewart St

We will be marching to City Hall, where an anti-war resolution is under consideration, then on to the Federal Building, joining others in condemnation of the war and demanding an end to war funding.

info at, or phone 789-2684

Partial List of endorsers: Allyship, American Federation of Government Employees Local 3937, American Friends Service Committee, American Muslims of Puget Sound, Capitol Hill Neighbors for Peace and Justice, Cedar Tree Architects, Cloud City Construction, Church Council of Greater Seattle, El Comite Pro Amnistia General y Justica Social, Freedom Socialist Party, Green Party of Seattle, IBU Puget Sound Region, IBU R.37, International Socialist Organization, Jewish Peace Fellowship, L.D. Brown Framing, Legacy of Equality Leadership and Organizing, Lutheran Peace Fellowship, Lutheran Public Policy Office of Washington State, Mothers for Police Accountability, Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Committee, MLK Jr. County Labor Council, North Seattle Neighbors for Peace and Justice, Northwest Artisans, Not a Number Cards and Gifts, Okanogan Highlands Bottling Company, Peace Action, Peace and Justice Resource Center, Pride at Work (AFL-CIO), Radical Women, Rauschenbusch Center for Spirit and Action, Reclaim the Media, Seattle Fellowship of Reconciliation, Seattle Gay News, Seattle Peace Heathens, Seattle Women in Black, Seattle Young People's Project, SNOWFremont, Sound Nonviolent Opponents of War, Southend Neighbors for Peace and Justice, Thirty-sixth District Democrats, Trikkon NW, Troops Home Now Coalition, United Indians of all Tribes Foundation, University Unitarian Church, Urban Press, US Women and Cuba Collaboration, Veterans for Peace Chapter 92, Washington Association of Churches, Washington State Jobs with Justice, West Seattle Neighbors for Peace and Justice, Western Washington Fellowship of Reconciliation.

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